Rhys Spencer
APAC Head of Sales, Tullet Prebon Information
Former Product Manager TPI - Asia Pacific
Rhys Spencer has been the Head of Business Development – Singapore at Tullett Prebon Information Limited since January 2015. As TPI’s Head of Business Development – Singapore, he is responsible for managing existing relationships and growing the customer-base in South East Asia, Hong Kong, and South Korea.
Spencer has worked at TPI for over five years in product and technical support roles and has extensive knowledge of the OTC market data landscape. He promotes both the existing international TPI datasets as well as the onshore data from Tullett Prebon Sitico, a joint venture between Tullett Prebon and Shanghai International Trust Co. Ltd.
Spencer has had over 12 years of financial markets experience as Senior Solution Sales Specialist for mainland China at Thomson Reuters.
Spencer specializes in the OTC Derivatives, Financial Market Data, Computer Science, Communications, Project Management, and Economics.
Spencer graduated Bachelor of Science in Computer Science at the Cardiff University / Prifysgol Caerdydd in 2006. He finished Master’s degree in Data and Information Fusion in the same university in 2007.
About Tullett Prebon
Tullett Prebon, part of TP ICAP group, is one of the world’s leading interdealer brokers (IDB’s). It is primarily operating as an intermediary in the wholesale financial and energy sectors. Tullet Prebon facilitates the trading activities of its clients, in particular commercial and investment banks. It also delivers the highest-quality independent price data using state of the art technologies and data publication standards covering major markets.
Product areas include: Fixed Income Securities and their derivatives, Interest Rate Derivatives, Treasury products, Equities and Energy, and Commodities.
With offices in 24 countries, Tullett Prebon operates voice, hybrid, electronic, volume matching, algorithmic matching, and risk mitigation platforms, to accommodate its clients’ requirements and to satisfy the regulatory driven evolution of the marketplace.
Tullett Prebon recently launched a Swap Execution Facility; tpSEF Inc., offering SEF compliant execution services in the five asset classes which are covered under Dodd-Frank legislation. tpSEF Inc. utilises Tullett Prebon’s established electronic broking platforms: tpSWAPDEAL and tpMATCH for rates, tpCREDITDEAL for credit indices, tpFORWARD DEAL, tpMATCH NDF, tpMATCH FXO and tpTRADEBLADE FXO for FX, tpEQUITYTRADE for equity derivatives, and tpENERGYTRADE for commodities.
In addition to its brokerage services, Tullett Prebon offers a variety of market information services through its established IDB Market Data division, Tullett Prebon Information, which collects, cleanses, and distributes real-time information to data providers.
Tullett Prebon has its principal offices in London, New Jersey, Hong Kong, Singapore, and Tokyo, with other offices, joint ventures, and affiliates in Bangkok, Frankfurt, Houston, Jakarta, Johannesburg, Luxembourg, Madrid, Manama, Manila, Mexico City, Mumbai, New York, Paris, São Paulo, Seoul, Shanghai, Sydney, Toronto, Warsaw, and Zurich.